• Education/Training

  • Scholarships and Education Information

  • Triad High School Job Fair

  • 2024 Foundation Scholarship Winners

  • ABC Mouse Educational (Fun) Software @ Tri-Township Library

    Free to use in our computer lab. ABCmouse.com: From Age of Learning, Inc., the award-winning ABCmouse.com curriculum is designed to help young children (ages 2-6+) build a strong foundation for future academic success. ABCmouse.com is 100% educational, with 3,500+ learning activities across all major subject areas—reading, math, science, social studies, art, and music. Best of all, kids love it!

  • SIUE Online and Education Outreach

    SIUE is developing non-credit and credit educational opportunities in the area of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Linked below is a survey asking what topics might be of interest to your organization and the format in which the opportunities would be delivered. Your answers will help us develop sessions, courses, and workshops that meet your needs.  Read More

  • High School Student Job Fair

    Employers need employees. High school students need jobs. The Troy/Maryville/St. Jacob/Marine Chamber of Commerce knows employers. Triad High School knows students. So, the first High School Student Job Fair was born. “This event concept came together in about 30 minutes” said Dawn Mushill, Executive Director, Troy/Maryville/St. Jacob/Marine Chamber of Commerce. “I think we all knew there was a need and it was just a matter of figuring out the logistics”.

    Figuring out the logistics meant bringing together Triad teachers Todd Grigg and Stephanie Potthast, and Mushill. The Chamber knew they had the member businesses and the Triad staff knew they had the venue and the students. Putting it on paper and orchestrating the details were next.  

    First, the students. They were asked to preregister online for the event and submit their general information into the portal provided. Mr. Grigg and his staff worked with the students to put together a resume that could be uploaded as well. Students were also provided links to videos to assist them with more resume tips and interviewing musts. Remember, for most of these students, this will be their first job. The goal was to best prepare them to stand out and have a few skills under their belt prior to the event.
    Next, were the employers. The Chamber scanned their membership database for employers who were most interested in students who were 15-18 years of age. Some employers were a little skeptical as they had recently attended Job Fairs that had a very low attendance. The Chamber assured them that their attendees didn’t have any commute to the Job Fair – that the students were in the same building. That intrigued many to sign up immediately!
    And the coordination of all efforts paid off. There were 30 employers who signed up and were in attendance. The final numbers were not in at the time of this press release but it was estimated that 300 students walked through the doors.
    This is just the first of many anticipated events for the future. “Our hope is to put together two High School Student Job Fairs each school year. We will also be reaching out to both Father McGivney and Maryville Christian School to assist with this type of event as well” said Mushill.
    The Chamber’s goal is to bring connections and resources to our members. When asked, the members noted that their biggest current need was finding good employees. This event proved to be a great start.
    For more information about the High School Student Job Fair or the Troy/Maryville/St. Jacob/Marine Chamber of Commerce, visit www.troymaryvillecoc.com or give them a call at 618-667-8769.

    Job Fair Photo Collage


    Partners in Education Form

    This form is to be filled out by chamber member businesses that want to donate supplies, time, or present to local schools. Schools can also fill out this form if they are looking for certain supplies or speakers for their classroom!